Saturday, July 31, 2010

DAY 36: Detroit, MI

Detroit Rock City! Sorry... I had to say that at least once. We were at Tiger Stadium which had all sorts of crazy Tiger decor and a baseball shaped ferris wheel. There was also a free Starbucks tent for everyone on the tour and that definitely made a lot of people's day. Unfortunately there were a LOT of crazy rules, one of which was that no video was allowed at all. I shot some fun stills for you guys instead. The weather was incredible and the stadium was really cool. It was Mike Posner's hometown show so he had a pretty solid crowd. I caught Breathe Carolina's full set finally and Kyle crowd surfed (literally on a surf board). After the show was done there was a tour party called Mustacho Basho at a nearby club. Everyone had to wear a fake (or in some cases real) mustache. It was so much fun and i think everyone was really glad to have a fun night out. We hit the buses literally right at 12:30... on second thought we might have been a minute or two late hahah but no fear they didn't leave anyone. It was definitely a mad dash from the party to the bus park and I'm sure probably looked hilarious to any onlooker who didn't know what was going on.

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