Thursday, July 15, 2010

DAY 20: Buffalo, NY

Day 19 We were actually at Darien Center, but everyone kept calling it Buffalo. The day was awesome because the venue was attached to a theme park which we got to go to for free. I shot a few early morning things like the front gate line (which was ridiculous), an acoustic set from We Are The In Crowd in the Kia tent, a bit of Confide's set, and then it was time for rollercoasters! I was such a little kid hahah I hit the park with Josh and Trevor from Confide, it was also Trevor's birthday (bonus) as well as Tay from We Are The In Crowd, Jess from The Summer Set, and Marshall, Joey, and Deleon from The Cab. The Cab's tour manager Sonny did an excellent job of managing the situation and keeping us all together hahah BIG job. We had a blast though and we managed to sneak a flip cam on one of the roller coasters to video shhh! take a peek:

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